Top Tips for When Your Child Comes to the Dentist

  • It's OK to Let Them Go: often children do better when their mom and dad are not in the room. Children can sense any stress or anxiety in their mom and dad and will mirror their emotions. If at any time, we feel like your child would benefit from your presence, we will gladly pause and have you come to the treatment room.

  • Use Positive Vocabulary: please refrain from talking with your child about painful dental treatment, the needle, or the drill. We try to make the visit to our office a positive experience for children, and do our best to give the "numbing juice" without any pain. Please, DO let your child know that we will be cleaning “cavity bugs” out of their teeth with our "power washer" toothbrush and our "vacuum." If they are coming for an exam, we are simply "counting teeth." Use positive phrases, like "clean, strong, healthy teeth," to make the visit seem fun and good rather than scary and alarming.

  • Do Not Try to Relate: telling "war stories" about extractions, root canals, or other negative experiences you have had will only trigger anxiety, especially because your child may not ever need those procedures. Dentistry, pain control, and pediatric techniques have advanced greatly over the years, and we hope to make your child's visit to our office a positive one.

  • Ask Questions: please feel free to talk with us about any questions or concerns regarding your child's dental health. Healthy teeth aren't just about brushing and flossing. Keeping teeth healthy involves the following: proper home care, education about snacks and beverages, the use of fluoride, and thumb sucking or pacifier habits. We are happy to offer more information on any of these topics.